and tonight.. a gift.
There are some songs that help. That bring me to a place where I can conceptualize peace, even if I can’t quite grab it. Tonight, as I think about another torturous night stretching before me I know I need a battle plan.
Today I Survived.
Hard days come, friends. But they also GO. I cant control my anxiety, but today, I didn’t let it control ME.
Tis The Season
The rollercoaster of life doesn’t stop to savor the moment and it doesn’t pause to clean up the vomit. It just keeps ticking along with no concern for your personal feelings about it.
Let’s SHINE friends. Let’s let the GLORY of the CREATOR spill out of us. Let’s get holy by being who we were purposed to become.
Over and over and over again the thoughts swirled and raced and raged through my head. My husband asked if I wanted some water and I couldn’t respond because the answers all spiraled into bigger questions and tangled up together so that I couldn’t even pick one thought out from the rest.
So I breathe. And I rest. And I look at the things in my life that I have held up as burdens. I take a moment to “what if” in a different way… what if all these things are leading me to something greater than I can imagine..
Cultivating Joy
Oh how little I knew. OH HOW SMALL MY DREAMS. I didn’t know then, how very MUCH she would teach ME. How all my constant reminders and lessons and careful explanations would FALL MUTE IN AWE when the moments struck and I could stop and SEE what she, at the very core of her being, already knew.
Fight or Flight
Sometimes you’ve heard a thing a thousand times before it hits you. My anxiety has been off the charts lately. I’ve been struggling in a way that I haven’t felt for many years. Worry and fear have taken hold of me and I feel like it’s a constant battle to shake loose of them enough […]
Life Threatening Things
Life Threatening Things On this night four years ago I was a terrified mess begging my husband to check me into a hospital. See this Idiopathic Angioedema I have had totally messed with my confidence. My body does things I cant control. Life threatening things. And I pretty much have no say in the matter. […]
Community Can we talk about community for just a minute? This week has been a little on the rocky side. Father’s Day didn’t go as planned. ALL the amazing fathers in my life missed out on Facebook shout outs because I was curled up on a cat blanket in the grass watching my toddler’s fever […]