Photographers kids don’t all love to be photographed.

I mean, lets be real- I felt the same when I was that age and I’m certainly still now more comfortable behind the camera than in front of it. So I get it. Having your picture taken may not be the worlds most comfortable situation, but I’m here to make it easier. I’m here to help you (and them) remember WHY these pictures are important-

Because YOU are.

Because this time in your life won’t last forever. Because the kids will grow and change and TOWER over you (Can you see the angle I’ve got with this shot??! My head barely reaches his EAR now!)

Because so many of our pictures are getting lost in the ether. Gone are the days of sitting down at Grandmas house and rifling through the treasure trove of memories from this occasion or that event. With the taking of pictures being so easy and accessible to us now, we have to be INTENTIONAL with the preservation of our MEMORIES. Your kids won’t be able to pick up your phone and scroll through the “recently taken” album and remember the pieces of their past. Or your presence in it.
So yeah, my oldest isn’t a fan of his picture taken right now. But when I ask, with a sincere heart, talking about my reasons, he opens up. I don’t make him do it often- so it’s more meaningful when I do. And I hope to do the same for you. Let’s take the pictures. Let’s PRINT THEM OUT. Let’s collect these priceless treasures together and honor the present for when it becomes the past.

By Noelle Bonn

As the mother of 4- including a high schooler, middle schooler, elementary schooler, and preschooler there is never a dull moment around here. Quiet, sometimes, but never dull. Be it ordinary day revelations or dramatic Special Needs parent experiences, or living with AI and Anxiety, there is constantly a story to tell. Our world is becoming increasingly difficult to live in. We feel alone and afraid so often. We need opportunities to remember that we are all shoulder to shoulder trudging along towards the finish line. If only we could reach out to the person next to us and hold hands. If we could realize the strength in community we could help each other along. My hands are messy and shaky and rather cold at times, but this is me… reaching out

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