In November we talk about Gratitude
A few years ago some dear friends of mine embarked on a thrilling adventure of chaos, joy, heartbreak, and enduring love. These friends openly invited us to join in along side them in this new chapter of their lives where time is both infinite and limited, stretched and pulled in every direction. They opened their lives, home, and hearts to those who found themselves in the worst storm of their lives. From whom everything, sometimes even the clothes on their back, had been stripped away and they were left with no constants, nothing they could count on. These friends of mine did not scoop them up and tell them arbitrarily that everything would be ok. They entered the storm and sat in the rain. Held a hand as the thunder threatened to shake them apart, and the wind lashed from every side. They chose, over and over again, LOVE.
As Foster Parents, their eyes were opened to a world that needed hope. That needed the gift of common decency and kindness. Humanization. And they took action. They rallied the troops at their disposal, and soon an army was formed.
For all my life, Halloween has been my favorite of holidays. A celebration of the season that has, for me, always been the warmest as nature changes her cloak to the soft inviting colors of Autumn. However, these last 3 years, my heart has changed. I find myself wondering and hoping for the hint of Christmas to come. For the deep abiding JOY the comes from serving, and giving something without thought or need of reciprocation.
You see, this army my friends have created has taken on the privilege of creating a space for the children in Foster care and their Biological families to have Christmas together. This is a precious time of bonding where hurts can be healed. Where hands can be held, where HOPE can thrive. The parents get to pick out Christmas gifts for their children, without worry for the financial cost. The children get to create gifts to give their parents. Theres music, and yummy food, and games and crafts and laughter. And frosted cookies. A family picture with Santa. And LOVE. Love poured in from every side to shield the hearts for the bumps and bruises yet to come.
THIS. This is Christmas to me now. It’s THE reason. and my own heart yearns to be part of it throughout the year. The beauty, the pain, the HOPE.

I’m SO very grateful for the mess and chaos in my house today. In every drop of glue and glitter there is a prayer… “that they KNOW they are loved.”