The Little Things
Tonight my hubby and my oldest had youth group to attend, so that means I have 3 kids to “put to bed” on my own. Now.. I’ve got a good age spread between mine and I FEEEEL for you mamas who #1- do this on your own EVERY. NIGHT. (You ladies are superwomen all day AND all night). #2-Have kids closer together than my 3-4yr spread. (You ladies get double points). It’s not such a hard thing to do at this moment in my world, but it does mean that the “regular” schedule is modified. On a typical night I read and snuggle with the smallest, while daddy has his one on one time with his oldest girl (and the boys are dispersed about the house with their books in hand).
So on Wednesday evenings we change it up a bit. Zoe will come snuggle with me and her sister and we read a chapter of her book together. Tonight there was A CHANGE. She said “I’ll just read in my bed” and she climbed up into her bunk and flipped on her reading light. then she looks down at me, “One chapter or two tonight mama?”
“Go for it babe” I respond,
with that WE-ARE-BREAKING-NEW-GROUND-HERE lump in my throat.
I’ve been sending my boys off to read for many years now. That eldest has been steadily and intentionally chipping away at his 10,000 hrs needed to become a “master” since the age of 3 and has plans to put it under his belt by the age of 15. The next in line is as imaginative as they come and dissolves himself into a story just as quick as he can jump in. That’s not the “NEW”…
This lil miss of mine, she’s been so timid. She’s been so hesitant to read, to dip her toes into the waters of that particular pool. She has been so quiet and shy, and we’ve encouraged, but not pressured, and suddenly it’s taking root! She took her time, she did it her way, and we have arrived.

“Goodnight mama! I love you” she says as she flips off her reading light and snuggles into the sea of animals on her bed, not even knowing how my heart is bursting for her. For the JOY of watching her BE.